Thursday, May 21, 2020
Increase in Eating Disorder Victims Essay - 1623 Words
Increase in Eating Disorder Victims There are a number of eating disorders which many people suffer from, and most people may not even be aware that the way they eat could be classed as an eating disorder. Amongst the many disorders are the four most notable; binge eating, anorexia, bulimia and obesity. Another disorder vastly approaching the media limelight is bigorexia. The Eating Disorders Association defines this condition as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦outward signs of inner emotional or psychological distress or problems. - believing that people cope with the difficulties in their life though food. Eating, or not eating, is used to help block out painful feelings. There are various other definitions, and many†¦show more content†¦Male sufferers constituted 5% of that figure. Bulimia sufferers also desire their ideal body shape, but when they eat, they binge heavily and then force themselves to vomit. Again, to reduce the amount of time the body has to digest the food. This condition is the most common one suffered with by women. The Eating Disorders Association claims that in London alone there are 71,000 sufferers. Binge eating, as we have seen, can be a symptom of bulimia, but binge eating can be a disorder on its own where people binge uncontrollably but do not vomit it back. It is believed that more people suffer from binge eating than anorexia and bulimia. It is estimated that approximately ten per cent of people with binge-eating disorder are obese. Signs of bingeing include eating faster than usual, eating until feeling nauseous, eating food when there is no real appetite, eating alone because they are embarrassed at the amount of food they eat, feeling ashamed and depressed after their binge and being unable to rid themselves of the food eaten. Obesity is a disorder that can be apparent with those who suffer from bingeing. 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As a result, many women in North America suffer from psychological illnesses. Among the most common are eating disorders such as Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Anorexia and Bulimia generally arise in young women, but may also occur in older females and occasionally in men. People suffering from any of these sicknesses usually suffer from low self esteem. Victims may think things such as, â€Å"my life would be better if I lost weight,†or they may think that people would like them better
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