Friday, November 29, 2019
Jades Homework free essay sample
Montgomery fell to the ground but quickly got back up and hit Edward in the head with a club. After being hit in the head, Edward was knocked out and carried out of the raging crowd. Not too long after that one of the soldiers thought he heard the commanding officer shout fire, so the soldiers shot into the crowd. When all of the smoke cleared 3 men were shot and died on the spot, A black sailor named Crisps Attacks, a rope maker named Samuel Gray and a mariner named James Caldwell, were all shot by British troops. The British troops wounded 8 other, two of whom died later that eight, Salute Maverick, and Patrick Carr.Later that month Caption Thomas Proton was arrested for manslaughter along with eight other soldiers. Every year on March 5th, people gather at the old state house in Boston Massachusetts and reenacted the events that happened on this historic day. We will write a custom essay sample on Jades Homework or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They dress up as colonist and British troops when they reenact of the Boston Massacre. They use the real muskets that the British troops used but they do not use real marbles and gun powder during the reenactments. They use sound effects and smoke mach nines that contribute to the Boston Massacre lining. There were many different weapons used during the Boston Massacre.These weapons include rocks, sticks, chunks of ice and the musket. A musket is a type of gun that the British used during the Boston Massacre. These guns were shot by putting marbles and gun powder down the barrel of the gun. At the very end of the gun there is a sharp pointy weapon called the club. This was often used to stab the enemy. Here is a picture of a British musket. The troops used the musket to frighten the colonist, but the muskets were not frightened it only made they more upset. Revived a British uniform that were wore during the time Of the Boston Massacre.These uniforms had mostly red jackets with white pants. The uniform a musket holder on the back of the uniform so they could carry the musket. This helped so they didnt have to carry their guns by hands. Here is a picture of the British uniform. On the night of the Boston Massacre, Paul Revere drew a picture of the Boston Massacre. He named it the Bloody Massacre. Here is a picture of the Bloody Massacre. The Boston Massacre was the most devastating event that ever happened, vive men lost their lives that day and they will always be remembered.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Activities for ESL Lessons With Multiple Intelligences
Activities for ESL Lessons With Multiple Intelligences Multiple intelligences activities are useful for English teaching in a variety of situations. The most important aspect of using multiple intelligence activities in class is that you will be giving support to learners who may find more traditional activities difficult. The basic idea behind multiple intelligence activities is that people learn using different types of intelligences. For instance, spelling can be learned through typing which uses kinetic intelligences. Multiple intelligences were first introduced by in the theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. Multiple Intelligence Activities for the English Learning Classroom This guide to multiple intelligence activities for the English learning classroom provides ideas on types of multiple intelligence activities you to consider when planning English lessons that will appeal to a wide range of learners. For more information on multiple intelligences in English teaching, this article on using BRAIN friendly English learning will be of help. Verbal / Linguistic Explanation and understanding through the use of words. This is the most common means of teaching. In the most traditional sense, the teacher teaches and the students learn. However, this can also be turned around and students can help each other understand concepts. While teaching to other types of intelligences is extremely important, this type of teaching focuses on using language and will continue to play the primary role in learning English. Teacher-centered explanationsEssays and written reportsReading selectionsBook based grammar and language function explanationsGap-fill exercises Visual / Spatial Explanation and comprehension through the use of pictures, graphs, maps, etc. This type of learning gives students visual clues to help them remember language. In my opinion, the use of visual, spatial and situational clues is probably the reason learning a language in an English speaking country (Canada, USA, England, etc.) is the most effective way to learn English. Mind mapsUsing photos, paintings, etc. to encourage discourseCreating personal roadmaps / other visual aids to use during discourseGraphs used to initiate explanations of statisticsVideosCreating multimedia projectsHighlighting texts in different colors to indicate tense, or functionGames such as Pictionary Body / Kinesthetic Ability to use the body to express ideas, accomplish tasks, create moods, etc. This type of learning combines physical actions with linguistic responses and are very helpful for tying language to actions. In other words, repeating Id like to pay by credit card. in a dialogue is much less effective than having a student act out a role-play in which he pulls out his wallet and says, Id like to pay by credit card. TypingMovement games (especially popular in childrens English classes)Role plays / dramaPantomime vocabulary activitiesFacial expression gamesFor classes with access to athletic facilities, explanation of sporting rules Interpersonal Ability to get along with others, work with others to accomplish tasks. Group learning is based on interpersonal skills. Not only do students learn while speaking to others in an authentic setting, they develop English speaking skills while reacting to others. Obviously, not all learners have excellent interpersonal skills. For this reason, group work needs to​ be balanced with other activities. Small group workTeam competitionsRole plays using dialoguesPeer teaching Logical / Mathematical Use of logic and mathematical models to represent and work with ideas. Grammar analysis falls into this type of learning style. Many teachers feel that English teaching syllabi are too loaded towards grammar analysis which has little to do with communicative ability. Nonetheless, using a balanced approach, grammar analysis has its place in the classroom. Unfortunately, because of certain standardized teaching practices, this type of teaching sometimes tends to dominate the classroom. Grammar categorizing activitiesGrammar rules study and inductive explanationsError recognitionCorrecting work based on teacher indicationsDevelop mind-maps and other vocabulary charts Intrapersonal Learning through self-knowledge leading to understanding of motives, goals, strengths, and weaknesses. This intelligence is essential for long-term English learning. Students who are aware of these types of issues will be able to deal with underlying issues that can improve or hamper English usage. Writing in logs and diariesEstimating learning strengths, weaknesses, progress over timeUnderstanding learner objectivesSpeaking about ones personal history with confidence Environmental Ability to recognize elements of and learn from the natural world around us. Similar to visual and spatial skills, Environmental intelligence will help students master English required to interact with their environment. Exploring outdoors but in EnglishShopping and other field tripsCollecting plants to learn appropriate vocabulary
Thursday, November 21, 2019
South Korean Automobile Market - Non-Tariff Barriers Essay
South Korean Automobile Market - Non-Tariff Barriers - Essay Example The thesis examines the updated trade patterns and determinant of complete passenger and road vehicle trade between the U.S and S. Korea. The main explanatory variable is the effect of S. Korea’s Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) on the automobile industry trade with its one of the biggest trading partner, the U. S. The patterns and performance of automobile industry trade and the effects of NTBs in S. Korean car market will be assessed by the Normalized Trade Balance Index, Grubel and Lloyd index and the regression that is by using multiple regression analysis approaches, more specifically. The results of the thesis will highlight the trend of the road and passenger vehicle industry trade and the impact of NTBs on the volume/ value of trade in automobile sectors between the countries since the beginning of the 2000s. S. Korea and the U.S share a great deal of interest in pursuing positive development in the automobile industry’s trade performance. Both countries substantially rely on the profits of the automobile trade for their economic growth and their market sizes are often large. (Dyer & Chu, 2000). Consequently, S. Korea and the U.S Free Trade Agreement is about to come into effect and one of the biggest issues that prolonged the deal while negotiating for the FTA was regarding the automobile, especially passenger vehicle industry trade. President Obama and the U.S industry representatives claimed that the FTA deal regarding automobile trading regime is not fair if they start to trade bilaterally in the current condition and regulation. Opponents of recent FTA provision even claimed that the U.S automakers exaggerate the potential sales in S. Korea of cars produced in U.S. assembly plants (Schott, 2010).Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Using publicly available resources and other references compare and Essay
Using publicly available resources and other references compare and critically analyse the UK marketing strategies of Caffe Nero and Costa Coffee - Essay Example Costa Coffee which is the leading company has 1,770 outlets; Starbucks has 790 outlets while the third company, Caffe Nero has 560 outlets. The three remains the leading brands controlling 54% of the coffee market. One of the notable aspects that make the UK coffee shop market to be robust is the predictable nature of the coffee consumption pattern in the country. For example, Allegra Strategies definitive report indicated that one out of five coffee shop customer must visit the outlet every day. This makes the producers to adopt effective strategies aimed at creating strong positive consumer-brand relationship resulting to the expansion of the market. This paper aims at comparing and critically analyzing the UK marketing strategies of Caffe Nero and Costa Coffee. Caffe Nero is a European based company that is headquartered in London. Having being established by Gerry Ford in 1997, the coffee house has expanded its market as a way of increasing the number of customers and raising sales. Currently, Caffe Nero operates in UK, Cyprus, US, Ireland, Poland, UAE AND Turkey. One of the major aspects that make the company to remain competitive and face off Costa Coffee and other rivals in the UK market is product diversification. For example, in addition to traditional Espresso-based brands, Caffe Nero has introduced brands such as Frappe, Fruit Boosters, Hot Chocolate Milano, Latte, Caramelatte, White Chocolate and pasta salads among others. According to Mulhern (2009), for any company to have a competitive edge, it must invest in research and development as well as brand innovation. Caffe Nero has also adopted an effective marketing mix that takes into consideration the needs of the UK consumers. As noted earlier, Caffe Nero has significantly invested in various brands. With more than 20 types of brands, Hilton (2013) indicates that the company has been in a position to meet the needs of its customers. In addition, the strong brand name,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Cyber Stalking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cyber Stalking - Research Paper Example The trends in cyber-stalking based on 2008 figures also indicate that most of the cases have been carried out in Social Networking sites like Facebook and MySpace and also in Craigslist (Hitchcock, 2009). The trends also indicate an increase in victims aged 18 to 30 and those who are 41 years old and above with most victims being Caucasian, and the rest being Hispanic, Afro-American, Asian, and Native Americans (Hitchcock, 2009). There was also an increase detected in the cases where victims knew their harassers, and this mostly involved ex-spouses or ex-girl/boyfriends (Hitchcock, 2009). Most of the states which registered with the most incidents of cyber-stalking include California and New York with harassers mostly using emails, message boards, instant messaging, phones, texting, blogs, LiveJournal, Friendster, online games, and YouTube as media in harassing their victims (Hitchcock, 2009). With the difficulty of apprehending these criminals, many of these victims are often killed and are physically and psychologically intimidated by their harassers. Based on the above scenario, this paper shall now present the current literature on cyber-stalking. It shall focus on the manner of perpetuation, the difficulties encountered in managing this crime, and the remedies which have been implemented in order to apprehend harassers. A paper by Ogilvie (2001) discusses that cyberstalking is a crime which is similar to the usual forms of stalking in the sense that it uses behavior which causes fear and apprehension on a victim. However, because of new electronic technologies, the traditional methods of stalking have been transformed through the application of other mediums such as emails and the Internet (Ogilvie, 2001). Even without empirical research assessing the incidence and prevalence of cyberstalking, many experts and analysts believe that cyberstalking is actually more common than the traditional form of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Anorexia and Bulimia Risk Factors
Anorexia and Bulimia Risk Factors Exploring Eating Disorders It is nearly impossible to walk past the aisles in stores without seeing headlines promising secrets to weight loss. Our cell phones are full of advertisements and videos of exercise routines. In the United States being thin has become a national obsession and places unrealistic expectations on what makes a female beautiful. To keep up with these expectations, females become dissatisfied with their bodies. With body dissatisfaction being the single most powerful contributor to the development of eating disorders, it is not surprising that these disorders continue to rise (Comer, 2015). The common eating disorders recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual are anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), and binge eating disorder (BED) (APA, 2013). The focus of this paper is on the formally recognized eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia.  Briefly, these disorders are characterized by disturbances in body image and abnormal eating patterns. While the cause is elusive, to day’s theorists and researchers believe eating disorders arise from the interaction of multiple risk factors. The more of these factors that are present, the likelier they will develop an eating disorder. Among these factors include biological, psychological, and sociocultural (Rikani, 2013). Etiology Biological Factors Studies have shown a genetic contribution to developing eating disorders (Fairburn & Harrison, 2003). Certain genes may leave some people more susceptible to the development of eating disorders and researchers suggest that these diseases are biologically based forms of severe mental illnesses. This has been further supported by twin and family studies. For each disorder the estimated heritability ranges between 50% and 83%, therefore there is a possibility of genetic contribution to eating disorders (Treasure et al, 2003). Studies have also suggested role of serotonin levels since this specific neurotransmitter is important in the regulation of eating and mood (Fairburn & Harrison, 2003). Several studies have confirmed those suffering from anorexia nervosa measured lower serotonin levels and may be an indirect effect of eating disorders (Rikani, 2013). Psychological factors Around 73% of girls and females have a negative body image, compared with 56% of boys and men (Comer, 2013). Body dissatisfaction has been defined as â€Å"discontent with some aspect of one’s physical appearance†(Cash, 2012) and is a risk factor for developing an eating disorder (Stice, 2001). Furthermore, it â€Å"encompasses one’s body-related self-perceptions and self-attitudes, including thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors†(Cash, 2012). Research has measured as far back to adolescent years and how the onset of puberty could set the stage for their body image perceptions (Rikani, 2013). According to Treasure, Claudina, and Zucker (2003), most eating disorders occur during adolescence. While females are more concerned about losing weight, their male counterparts are focused on the body image of needing to gain muscle. Additionally, female perceptions have been linked to negative body image and adolescent boys are likelier to have positive feelings about their bodies (Ata et al, 2007). Females ultimately feel discontent with the shape and size of their body at such an early age when they are forming their identities. Specifically, females are trying to fit into the image society has described as the ideal beauty of a woman, thus they become increasingly obsessed with disordered eating (Dittmar et al, 2009). In turn, they can suffer psychologically from low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness, and intense dissatisfaction with the way they look†(APA, 2013). Body image and body dissatisfaction have been measured by examining cognitive components, such as negative attitudes about the body or unrealistic expectations for appearance and behavioral components, such as avoiding perceived body scrutiny from others (e.g., avoiding swimming) (Thompson et al., 1999b). Ata, Ludden, and Lally (2007) also found strong links between eating disorders and feelings of depression and low self-esteem.  Sociocultural factors Many sociocultural factors like friends and family can influence the development of eating disorders. â€Å"Research focusing on the particular effects of teasing on female adolescents found that those who are teased about their weight, body shape, and appearance tend to exhibit poorer body image and are more likely to diet†(Ata et al., 2007). Furthermore, adolescents who have a relationship with their parents that are less supportive and filled with conflict are more likely to choose disordered eating behaviors and have poor body image. In a survey of individuals with eating disorders, they included family factors such as, poor parental control, controlling parents, poor relationship with parent, critical family environment as causal factors with eating disorders (Salafia et al., 2015). Swarr and Richards (1996) found that adolescents who have a healthy relationship with both parents are less likely to have concerns about their weight. During this vulnerable stage of development, adolescents place a high regard to the approval of their peers. Supported evidence shows that those with lower peer acceptance and social support may be linked to negative body image  (Ata et al., 2007). It is not surprising that body image has been an obsession in Western society for decades. The media has portrayed the continually changing concept of beauty through advertisements, social media, magazines, and television, in turn shaping society’s standard of beauty. Mulvey (1998) looked at the history of female beauty and the major changes in the female image over the years. The cinched waist was popular in the 1900’s, while being flat chested without curves were emphasized in the 1920’s. Throughout the 1930’s women were encouraged by societal standards to have curves and this emphasis continued through the 1950’s. Images of full figured women like Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor influenced the way women wanted to look (Mulvey, 1998). It was not until the end of this decade that the thin ideal began to decrease in shape (Rumsey). Women began to alter their bodies through plastic surgery in the 1960’s to reach society’s standards. It was during this time that the body type drastically changed into the depiction of being extremely thin and â€Å"boyish.†The immense pressure to be thin carried throughout the 1970’s and the rail thin image resulted in an increase in eating disorders, especially anorexia (Mulvey, 1998). Fortunately, that image did not last long and women were advertised as being fit and sporty throughout the early 90s, yet thin models and anorexia became rampant again at the end of this decade. Sadly, this image of thinness has continued throughout the 21st century. Prevalence Measuring the prevalence of eating disorders is complex since countless numbers of people with the disorders do not seek treatment (Treasure et al., 2010). Research suggests that the stigma society has placed on eating disorders as being self-inflictive may factor in to why they do not seek help (Salafia et al., 2015). While eating disorders affect both genders, the prevalence among women and girls are 2  ½ times greater for females (NIMH, 2013). Additionally, Wade, Keski-Rahkonen, and Hudson (2011) found that 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their life.  According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the lifetime prevalence among adults with eating disorders have measured to be 0.6% for both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa for the adult population. The main risk factors that have been linked to anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are general factors such as, being female, adolescent/young adult, and living in Western society (NIMH, ). The National Institute of Mental Health reports of suicide being very common in women who suffer from anorexia nervosa and has the highest mortality rate around 10% among all mental disorders. As mentioned earlier, adolescent females are at a higher risk of developing eating disorders, which were related to low self-esteem, social support, and negative attitudes of their body image. While the age of onset frequently appears during teen years and young adulthood for both disorders, bulimia nervosa has a slightly later age of onset, however can begin the same way as anorexia nervosa (Fairburn & Harrison, 2003). A study found one-third of patients who had an initial diagnosis of anorexia nervosa crossed over to bulimia nervosa during 7 years of follow up (Eddy et al., 2008). Between .3 and .9% of this population are diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and .5 and 5% with bulimia nervosa (Salafia et al., 2015). Furthermore, the NIMH reported the lifetime prevalence of 13-18 year olds to be 2.7% for both eating disorders. Certain professions and subcultures have a higher prevalence of developing eating disorders. These include professions where bodyweight is highly valued, such as athletes, models, performers, and dancers. In studies with female athletes the prevalence rate of eating disorders ranged from 0% and 8%, which is higher than that of the general population. Among these athletes, 33% engage in eating behaviors that put them at risk for such disorders, such as vomiting and using laxatives. Additional factors that increase the risk for this population have been shown to be the transition into the college setting and moving away from home. Cultural Factors/Issues  Historically, there has been a stereotype of eating disorders to effect young, female Caucasians, who are educated and from an upper socio-economic class. However, research increasingly shows that this disorder does not discriminate and is being reported in other race/ethnicities of both upper and lower classes. The prevalence of eating disorders is similar among Non-Hispanic Whites, Hispanics, African-Americans, and Asians in the United States, with the exception that anorexia nervosa is more common among Non-Hispanic Whites (Hudson et al., 2007; Wade et al., 2011). One report found that views about body image and eating disorders varies among cultures and Caucasian women have the lowest body satisfaction and self esteem while Latina women score in the middle in terms of self-esteem and body satisfaction (Eating Disorder Hope, 2013). The literature among African American women is scarce, however Lee & Lock (2007) found that this group had the highest level of self-esteem and body satisfaction. With more and more studies comcluding that eating disorders are occurring in other ethnic groups, it becomes imperative to note different cultural views and beliefs may influence this disorder. Common barriers among minority groups regarding treatment resistance, include language difficulties, lack of health insurance or transportation and lack of resources. Barriers can be present in all ethnicities with eating disorders, but ultimately their cultural beliefs tends to be the greatest influence  in their decision to whether they seek treatment (McCaslin, 2014). Clinical picture Mental disorders have been portrayed throughout movies and literature. While most do not portray a clear clinical picture of those disorders, a compelling illustration is of actress, Portia de Rossi, is able to show what it looks like and a raw mage of the eating disorder in her book, Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain. She writes about her personal struggle with body image and testimony of her eating disorder. Her struggle with anorexia and bulimia began when she was modeling at the age of 12 after her agents informed her she needed to go on a diet. She was influenced by her older colleagues to vomit to maintain the rail-thin figure directors favored. The actress discussed her disordered eating behaviors, such as taking 20 laxatives a day and restricting her caloric intake to 300 calories a day. She explained the overwhelming desire for perfectionism. Her personal account of her struggle with an eating disorder and illustrates the clinical picture of what it looks like t o live through anorexia. From the competitiveness, obsessions, and distorted thoughts, she reveals a life of trying to measure up to the relentless pursuit to measure up to society’s standards of beauty. Ronald Comer’s text, Abnormal Psychology, also gives a clinical insight into the nature of eating disorders. Sufferers have dysfunctional eating attitudes towards food. The main goal for people who suffer from anorexia nervosa is to become thin. They are fearful of gaining weight and the loss of control over the size and shape of their body. People with this disorder are so preoccupied with food that it results in food deprivation. Their thinking becomes distorted and are likely to have negative perceptions and poor body image. Distorted thinking can lead to psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety low self-esteem, and insomnia in those who suffer from anorexia nervosa. Comer (2015) provides research that suggests sufferers may also display symptoms of obsessive-compulsive patterns. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) confirms this finding of eating disorders being linked to other mental health issues. The APA reported 50-70% suffer from depression, 42-75% have a present personality disorder, 30-37% of bulimic sufferers engage in substance abuse as well as 12-18% of anorexic sufferers. Approximately 25% have OCD and 4-6% suffer from bipolar disorder.  It is common for sufferers to engage in over exercising, misusage of laxatives and diuretics, and a decreased interest in the outside world (Fairburn & Harrison, 2003). Research has considered the main physical features of anorexia nervosa. The physical symptoms have included, heightened sensitivity to cold, gastrointestinal problems, dizziness, amenorrhea, and insomnia. The physical signs of a sufferer of this disorder may show signs of emaciation, dry skin, erosion of teeth, and cardiac arrhythmias (Fairburn & Harrison, 2003). Bulimia Nervosa is defined by the DSM-V as eating behaviors that involve binging and purging to avoid weight gain (APA, 2013). Similar to anorexia nervosa, symptoms of depression and anxiety are often seen and sufferers may also engage in substance misuse or self-injury, or both (Fairburn & Harrison, 2003). Mitchell et al. (1983) found physiological electrolyte abnormalities in patients with bulimia nervosa, which can lead to irregular heartbeat and seizures. Other health complications of this eating disorder may include edema/swelling, dehydration, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, gastrointestinal problems, inflammation or possible rupture of the esophagus, tooth decay, and even chronic kidney problems/failure (Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness, 2013). Evaluating the prevelance of having eating disorders is fairly new for researchers and health care providers, however, continues to be challenging with the major gap in literature. Eating disorders are severe conditions and often associated with comorbidity and adverse medical conditions, as described earlier. Therefore, a large part of research only focuses on the psychiatric comorbidity in eating disorders, including depression, personality disorder, substance abuse, and obsessive compulsive disorder. The stigma society has placed on eating disorders also influences the accuracy regarding the costs of these disorders, whether they are impacted directly or indirectly. The lack of reporting within the health care sector continues to make it difficult to estimate costs and prevalence. It is very common for sufferers to seek treatment for the physical problems than the eating disorder itself and one in four individuals actually seek treatment specifically directed at improving their eating disorder symptoms (Striegel-Moore et al., 2003). In past research that reviewed insurance claims regarding eating disorders, it was found that many insurance companies did not cover treatment for these disorders, which often resulted in the treatment providers to use different diagnostic codes when submitting the claims (Striegel-Moore et al., 2003).  One clinical trial that reviewed health records and insurance codes found that 42% of the claims related to weight or eating disorders, however, only 4% had an actual eating disorder diagnosis (Rosselli, 2016). Samnaliev et al. (2015) measured the impact of eating disorders on health care costs, employment status, and income in the United States. Their evaluation indicated that individuals with eating disorders had more health care costs than those who did not have an eating disorder. In addition, if one had a comorbid then they saw an increase in annual costs, compared to those with no comorbidities. Another impact of the disease that they found during their analysis was lower rates of employment for those with eating disorders. The study also found a link between higher hospitalization costs for sufferers of anorexia nervosa compared to those with bulimia nervosa. Another study (Agras, 2001) found the average cost for inpatient treatment for female anorexics was $17,384 compared to the cost of $9088 for bulimic patients. The same study found treatment for outpatient settings for treatment of anorexia and bulimia to average around $2344. The costs of treating eating disorders were compared to schizophrenia and OCD and indicated costs for anorexia were not significantly different from schizophrenia, however much more expensive than treatment for OCD (Agras, 2001). Research While there has been a significant amount of research speculating the factors that influence the development to eating disorders, it continues to remain challenging. Questions remain unanswered regarding the etiology, prevelance cross-culturally, and effective treatment approaches. The only promising finding in current research has been the evidence that heritable factors make a significant contribution to the etiology of these disorders. (Walsh, 2004). Another issue regarding the research is that a considerable amount is focuses on the eating disorders of Caucasian females in Western society in part due to the stigma placed on eating disorders. Past studies found that eating behaviors of young African American women were more positive than those of young white American women. However, over the past decade research has suggested that body image concerns/dissatisfaction, and disordered eating behaviors have increased for young African American women, as well as women of other minority groups. Despite these trends, society continues to believe that it is likelier for a white American female to develop an eating disorder, rather than a woman of a minority group (Comer, 2015).  It is clear that eating disorders are happening within other cultures, however, the prevelance continues to be an issue to measure. There are also issues regarding treatment. There is ongoing research on the efficacy of treatment for bulimia nervosa, but not for sufferers of anorexia nervosa, which suggests that future research should focus on interventions and treatments for this type of eating disorder. Furthermore, with culture being a risk factor in eating disorders, the development of culturally specific interventions and their efficacy could be beneficial for future research (Walsh, 2004). Prevention It would be helpful for clinicians to hold a multidemensial risk perspective regarding eating disorders until findings point to the exact etiology of the disorder. With new research and data strongly suggesting genetic influence, it is promising that the etiology may eventually be explained. It is importance to understand that all eating disorders occur in all races and ethnicities. Sala et al. (2014) made suggestions for prevention of the disorders, such as public health campaigns to increase awareness and peer recognition since adolescents place a higher value to what their peers think of them. If awareness is brought about in schools than earlier detection may prevent eating disorders among adolescents. Also, since studies suggest that the family has an influence on the younger population, they could be used to inform prevention approaches at the family level (Langdon-Daly & Serpell, 2017). Treatment Being familiar with the factors invluencing the development of the eating disorder is imperative in order to understand and adequately help the person suffering from anorexia or bulimia. With that being said, the lack of empirical research regarding the treatment of anorexia nervosa is scarce, thus making it difficult to treat. Studies have shown a strong emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach for sufferers of anorexia is helpful. This approach involves a team of medical, nutritional, social, and psycholological professionals. Therpists typically use a combination of psychotherapy and family therapyto overcome the underlying issue of anorexia nervosa sufferers ( Comer, 2015). Treatment for bulimia nervosa is often in clinic settings with the goals of eliminating the binge-purge patterns, developing healthier eating behaviors, and removing the underlying influence (Comer, 2015) A large amount of research concerning the treatment of bulimia nervosa suggests that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the treatment of choice, while other data suggests CBT being unsuccessful for anorexia. This proves of the need for new interventions and treatment models for eating disorders, specifically anorexia. Strong evidence from pharmacological trials have found that Pharmacotherapy is effective in treatment for bulimia in the short term. Other models of treatment regarding bulimia focus on emotional regulation, such as dialectical behavior therapy (Treasure et al., 2010). A new approach that has gained preliminary support is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT focuses on accepting unwanted feelings/thoughts and seeing them as part of being human. One study suggested that ACT could be neneficial with patients of eating disorders. Treatment interventions that target negative body image may be beneficial when developing newer interventions and approaches towards treatment since both eating disorders have a strong desire to control their urges, thoughts, and feelings (Butryn et al., 2013). Conclusion Eating disorders are complex and various factors can influence the development of an eating disorder. These disorders cross all cultural and social backgrounds. While the exact etiology is unknown the overlapping theories help in understanding the combination of factors that influence the causes of eating disorders, It is important to understand they are severe mental disorders and have serious medical consequences.  The advancement in today’s research is encouraging and may eventually offer better treatment options and specific links to the development of an eating disorders. References Agras, W. S. (2001). THE CONSEQUENCES AND COSTS OF THE EATING DISORDERS. Psychiatric Clinics, 24(2), 371–379 Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness. (2013). Eating Disorders. Retrieved from https://www.allianceforeatingdisorders Alvarenga, M. S., Koritar, P., Pisciolaro, F., Mancini, M., Cordà ¡s, T. A., & Scagliusi, F. B. (2014). 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Second World War (WWII) Essay -- World War 2 II Two
World War I has often been referred to as the â€Å"Great War.†This is a rather deceiving statement being that over 65 million men fought, and over 37 million men died in a war that lasted 4 years. World War I was, also, referred to as the â€Å"War to end all Wars.†Yet, 20 years later that statement would no longer be true as WWII erupted in 1939. When WWI ended with no real purpose served, it became apparent that a peace conference needed to occur and that someone had to pay reparations for the damage done. So, many representatives from different European and North American countries met and formed the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty was harsh and punishing towards Germany, whom the rest of Europe felt was to blame for the war. However, the question asked at that time, and still today, is who is to blame for the â€Å"Great War†that is known for its great destruction to a generation? Many historians would agree that Germany was solely to blame for World War I. They would argue that Germany brought other countries (mainly Britain) into the war by invading neutral Belgium. They would, also, argue that by invading Belgium, Germany exercised a nine year old war plan to attack France. The move was offensive by Germany and therefore France and Britain were just defending their allies. Germany was again blamed for the repercussions of World War I because of their shady past with France. In 1870, Germany and the Prussian Empire defeated a highly confident French army. From this period on un...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Effects of Media Globalisation Essay
Summary of the Effects of Media Globalization by Mary Hickman The world, in many ways, has been benefited from media globalization. However, the lurking dark side of media globalization that threatens us, as audiences of the media, has to be acknowledged and cogitated. Undoubtedly, media globalization has transformed our lives in many ways. Friedman (2005) asserted that the seamless information sharing have brought nations closer in the facets of businesses, personal communications and medical industries. Unfortunately, media globalization has brought about many drawbacks to the world. Firstly, it is a question of the motivation behind media corporations. According to Chomsky (1996), profits are the primary motivation behind every multi-national media corporations. Overwhelming media businesses have swallowed the essence of journalism. As a result, media corporations have the ability to manipulate the media, creating their ideal audience of a certain kind. Due to the small pool of competing media corporations, the existing powerful media corporations have been dominating the media content. Through various underhand methods, the media corporations have effectively influenced and gained favor by the government. Friedman acknowledges that American media corporation, as leaders in the media globalization arena, are leading the media world into a dangerous position; posing a great challenge to media liberation. In addition, Siochru (2004) postulated that intervening American media has damaged cultures amongst countries. While the voices of the audiences are suppressed, proliferation of unhealthy media content such as cognitive content of greed has been appalling. Due to the minimum participation of media content from the audiences, we are vulnerable to any form of ideologies that are intentionally displayed by the media monopoly.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Shakespeares New Year and Christmas Quotes
Shakespeare's New Year and Christmas Quotes New Year Celebrations hardly feature in Shakespeare’s works and he only mentions Christmas three times. Explaining the lack of New Year quotes is easy enough, but why did Shakespeare dodge Christmas in his writing? Shakespeare New Year Quotes New Year barely features in Shakespeare’s plays simply because it wasn’t until 1752 that the Gregorian calendar was adopted in Britain. In Elizabethan England, the year changed after Lady Day on 25 March. For Shakespeare, the New Year celebrations of the modern world would have seemed bizarre because in his own time New Year’s Day was nothing more than the eighth day of Christmas. However, it was still customary in the court of Elizabeth I to exchange gifts at New Year, as this quote from Merry Wives of Windsor demonstrates (but note the distinct lack of celebratory tone): Have I lived to be carried in a basket, like abarrow of butcher’s offal, and to be thrown in theThames? Well, if I be served such another trick,I’ll have my brains ta’en out and buttered, and givethem to a dog for a new-year’s gift†¦Merry Wives of Windsor (Act 3, Scene 5) Shakespeare Christmas Quotes So that explains the lack of New Year celebration; but why are there so few Shakespeare Christmas quotes? Perhaps he was â€Å"a bit of a Scrooge!†Joking aside, the â€Å"Scrooge†factor is actually very important. In Shakespeare’s time, Christmas simply wasn’t celebrated in the same way as it is today. It was 200 years after the death of Shakespeare that Christmas was popularized in England, thanks to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert importing many of the German Christmas traditions. Our modern conception of Christmas is immortalized in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, from the same period. So, in many ways, Shakespeare was â€Å"a bit of a Scrooge!†Here are the three times Shakespeare did mention Christmas in his plays: At Christmas I no more desire a roseThan wish a snow in May’s new-fangled mirth;Love’s Labours Lost (Act 1, Scene 1) I see the trick on’t: here was a consent,Knowing aforehand of our merriment,To dash it like a Christmas comedy:Some carry-tale, some please-man, some slight zany,Love’s Labours Lost (Act Five, Scene 2) SLY. Marry, I will; let them play it. Is not a comonty a Christmas gambold or a tumbling-trick?PAGE. No, my good lord, it is more pleasing stuff.The Taming of the Shrew (Intro, scene 2) Did you notice how downbeat these Shakespeare Christmas quotes are? That’s because, in Elizabethan England, Easter was the main Christian festival. Christmas was a less-important 12-day festival known for pageants put on at the Royal Court and by churches for townspeople. In the quotes above, Shakespeare does not hide his dislike of pageant acting: In Love’s Labours Lost, Berowne guesses that a wooing strategy has failed and that the ladies are now ridiculing the men. The ridicule is compared to a Christmas play: â€Å"dash it like a Christmas comedy.†In The Taming of the Shrew, Sly disregards the action as a Christmas â€Å"gambold†, a word meaning a frolic or light entertainment. Page suggests that it will be better than that awful acting you see at Christmas. Overlooking New Year and Christmas The lack of New Year and Christmas celebration may seem strange to the modern reader, and one must look at the calendar and religious conventions of Elizabethan England to contextualize this absence. None of Shakespeare’s plays are set at Christmas, not even Twelfth Night, which is commonly considered to be a Christmas play. It is widely believed that the play’s title was written for a performance on the twelfth day of Christmas at the royal court. But a reference in the title to the timing of the performance is where the Christmas references of this play end. It actually has nothing to do with Christmas.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Philadelphia Essays - NYPD Blue, Andy Bernard, Andy Barrett
Philadelphia Essays - NYPD Blue, Andy Bernard, Andy Barrett Philadelphia The movie, Philadelphia, was an excellent example of the severe discrimination many people with Aids are exposed to. In this instance the main character, Andy ,was also gay. Unfortunately, in our society, he was faced with a double whammy. The gay iss is controversial enough, but to compound that in the work force with having Aids would be almost unbearable for any person to cope with. Tom Hanks played Andy with a serious need to communicate to the viewers how everyday life, work, emotions and ment well being are affected by this kind of situation. The movie was well cast and thoughtfully portrayed Andy's serious predicament. The theme was very interesting. It made me realize how lucky I am to not have to deal with those kinds of problems. It's really very frightening to realize, as Andy did, that even our legal system can be discriminating. When he started looking for a lawyer, he found many people who did not want to represent him because of his illness. The frustration he felt must ha been a real burden. Most people were afraid of him. Even the man who finally represented him was afraid of him. He soon came to understand Andy was no threat to his health or his reputation, but someone he learned from and ended up becoming friends th. Andy himself feared his disease even before he was sure he had it. He did not want to go for his blood test. He didn't want to face the reality of having Aids. He really didn't have any choice. After the doctor confirmed his fears and diagnosed him a having Aids, Andy began to deal with the news and the way it was changing his life and how people treated him. His employer was trying to shaft him. He fought for his rights, not knowing what the outcome would be, but knowing this was something he fel he must do. The turning point in the movie for Andy was when he was in the library trying to learn more about Aids. He was asked by the librarian to go to a private room. His lawyer was there and saw this happening, although he was hiding behind a pile of books. guess this is when he realized Andy needed him to help protect his rights. It killed me to think just because someone has an illness people don't understand that they can let their ignorance make them behave in a way they normally wouldn't. To tell yo the truth I can't honestly say I would have acted any different then the librarian did !!! The lawyer took the book Andy was holding out of his hand to show the librarian he was not afraid getting the disease by touching something Andy had touched. An must have felt one hell of a big relief when that happened !!! He finally had someone on his side. I hated the firm Andy worked for. At first they seemed okay, but after they tried shafting Andy, I was really pissed. He worked for them, produced for them, was an asset to their business and then they just blew him off. The blowing him off part wasn as bad as how they tried to do it. They tried to make him look like a loser. They cut down his work, his character, his abilities as an employee. What gives them the right to try and destroy someone's life Especially someone whose life is being d troyed anyway by the disease he has. The illness didn't affect the way he did his job or how well he did it. They were just a bunch of ignorant morons who didn't care about anything other than how having someone with Aids working for them would make t m and their business look..... and in their opinions it could ruin them. So, just fire the guy to cover their own asses. What a bunch of shit !!!! Especially coming from the very institution that was supposed to help protect peoples' rights, lawyers !! The whole system must have really gotten to Andy. Especially because he was a part of that very same system. I agreed with the verdict of the trial hands down. It really made me happy to see Andy get true justice. I also loved to see his so called "associates" eat crow pie !!!! I have to admit I was a little nervous during the trial. I wondered if the jury elt as strongly as I did about Andy's
Monday, November 4, 2019
Human Resource Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Human Resource Management - Assignment Example It will gradually evolve into a value adding area for any organization if proper research and education is provided in the field (Plessis et al., 2007, p. 279). Human resource management evolvement, relationship with the organisation and environment, and human resource planning i) The first record of HRM can be traced back to 1780s where the various handymen like carpenters and masons formed an alliance in England to increase their bargaining power and get standard wages for their work. The industrial revolution paved way for set up of huge factories. Various welfare workers who took care of both the men and women workers needs were appointed in the factories. A team led by Elton Mayo carried out the famous Hawthorne studies which serve as a major, pioneering research in HRM during the 1920s. Trade unions started to appear after the Second World War era. Separate departments with a group of people handling various activities related to workers welfare like payroll and grievance handl ing started to appear by the First World War. Contemporary Human Resource Management took its place as prominent department of a company by 1960s (Pravin, 2010). They gained much wider fame and importance in the next two decades as various MNC’s started to appear. (Pravin, 2010) Personnel management is considered as the forerunner of HRM as it involves recruiting, training and firing people. It is often viewed as a tool to organize the manpower in a company rather than a strategic management technique like HRM. Personnel management is different from HRM in the following ways. (Sreenath, 2009) ii) The evolution of any process leaves its mark significantly on the current version of the strategy. HRM as a discipline views people as an asset and its operative functions include procuring employees, developing their skills, providing proper compensation for them, integration, maintenance as well as separation or laying them off. The industrial revolution concepts paved way for a se parate department concerned to labour welfare. Personnel management streamlined the managerial functions of HRM like organizing the hiring process, directing the training and controlling the employees. HRM as a strategy paved way for various researches and well defined techniques to follow in hiring and training huge number of employees. Concepts like Michigan School Framework and Harvard Frame work paved way for smooth flow of employee management in huge MNC's with thousands of workers (Salaman et al., 2005). HRM will facilitate the growth of organizational competencies which will yield competitive advantage over other peers through strategic management of employees (Lado & Wilson, 1994). Companies started to see workers as an asset and harvesting their brain power as their major goal instead of training them to perform monotonous jobs as it was during the industrial revolution era using these frameworks. (Sreenath, 2009) (Sreenath, 2009) Line managers are quite important for TQB a s the concerned branches falls under their direct controls. If the HR department motivates them properly with promised perks in terms of power and money, they will serve as a very positive influence on the workers communicating directly with the customers in the new branches. TQB’s goal to attract potential customers in the new branches will become much easier if the HR manager maintains a good personal relationship with the line managers, heed ears to their personal issues, help them achieve their
Saturday, November 2, 2019
SWOT Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
SWOT Analysis - Essay Example Likewise, the company’s ability to rapidly join the market with such a low entry cost is one of the greatest strengths portrayed by this individual plan. With a little over 100,000 dollars, the firm can buy stock, rent space, hire staff, and make the product offering available to the target market. Opportunities The opportunity for expansion is high due to the fact that this firm requires a very modest amount of initial investment in order to operate and will likely quickly draw a residual revenue. Likewise, a secondary opportunity lies in the ability of the firm to branch out and offer services to other universities statewide or at the national level with the same type of business plan and the same level of initial investment A further definite opportunity that this project enjoys is the fact that people are becoming increasingly mindful of the level of carbon emissions they produce. As such mopeds/scooters are the perfect means to combat this while the entire time providing rapid, easy to park transportation to meet the needs of the customer. Threats The most obvious and extent threat that such a business endeavor faces is born out of the strength that this analysis has previously mentioned. Due to the fact that the cost of entry is so low, it is conceivable that such a firm might have a number of competitors – seemingly overnight. Due to this fact, it must be incumbent upon the firm to ensure that their product is offered at a reasonable price and that their service leaves nothing to be desired. Due to the fact that entrants can come and go so easily, the firm must leave nothing to be desired in the off chance that they will lose a great deal of customer patronage if a competitor can outdo them with respect to any part of the business plan Weakness Unfortunately, the plans weaknesses far outweigh its strengths, opportunities or even threats. The first of these is the question of why a student would choose to rent rather than buy. With such a lo w cost per unit (between 400-700 USD), one wonders why any college student would rent such a device rather than pay for it outright. Understandably college students lack a great deal of discretionary income; however, at such prices it beggars belief that an individual would not themselves perform a rapid cost-benefit analysis and determine that they would be better off purchasing a scooter rather than renting it due to the fact that they could effectively pay it off in the space of a year. Although it is a stereotype, it is without question that a broad majority of college students will not necessarily take careful care of their leased moped during the period in which they are using it. As such, no mention was made in the plan with relation to how University Mopeds work to recoup this loss when a moped is returned in poor operating condition. Furthermore, most parts of Oregon experience a great deal of rain. As anyone with prior experience riding a bicycle, moped, or motorcycle can attest, doing so in the rain is a miserable experience. How will University Mopeds work to provide these products in a market that experiences such high precipitation levels? A further weakness of the plan is the lack of information provided with respect to where the demographic data was obtained (University Mopeds, 2011). The figures and statistics were interesting but without a citation, it is impossible for
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